Why WordPress
WordPress is often mistakenly classified as just another blogging platform. However, since its creation in 2003, it has evolved into a flexible, scalable content management system. While WordPress is still tapped for simple blogs, it can now be leveraged to create powerful, fully-functional websites.
We are proud to say we have been on the forefront of the WordPress evolution, and are continually recognized as leaders in enterprise-level WordPress websites. In addition to being the most user-friendly content management system in it’s class, here’s why we love it:
Among Good Company – Some of the world’s largest and most popular sites are powered by WordPress, including LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, eBay, The New York Times and many more!
Must-Have Mobile-Friendliness – With more and more people accessing their content on-the-go, and Google’s recent algorithm update, responsive, mobile-friendly websites are a necessity. WordPress’s responsive grids allow visitors easy access from any device so you’ll never have to worry about maintaining two databases or websites.
Open Source Perfection – Thousands of users contribute to WordPress development, making it the best open source content management system available. From eCommerce integration to core sharing features and social media widgets, the possibilities are endless.
Search Engine Satisfaction – WordPress aims to make SEO easy by having features such as automatically generating search-friendly URLS and titles. Customization of every page gives the highest probability of getting your pages in top search results positions. SEO plugins are also available to further enhance the results.
Growing Popularity – Over 320 million people view more than 3 billion pages on WordPress each month, ensuring WordPress will be supported and maintained for years to come. In fact, more than 100,000 new WordPress sites are created everyday!
Safety and Security – Security is paramount when selecting your web platform, but the reality is no software is perfectly secure, and WordPress is no exception. But unlike many other platforms, there is a large security-conscious community around WordPress constantly identifying, safely disclosing and patching security bugs. If something is particularly concerning, WordPress has a forced-security-update feature where they can update millions of sites automatically. And as always, it’s vital to keep your software up-to-date and make sure you pick a WordPress-experienced hosting provider.
Enterprise-Level Scaling – WordPress is equipped to handle high volumes of traffic, serving hundreds of millions of pageviews per day. Parent and child themes can share attributes, serve up different languages and more. Scalability options are endless.
Be the Authority – The easy content management system affords you the ability to change up your marketing tactics, test new sales strategies, and pivot quickly when necessary. What’s more, visitors appreciate fresh content, which helps establish you as the authority in your industry.
Our team of talented designers and developers have spent the past five years honing our skills and deploying unique and creative WordPress solutions for our clients. Check out a few of our WordPress-powered sites here or contact us if you’d like to learn more!